About Instructor

Hello, my dear cakelovers!
My name is Olga Mankova, and I've been making healthy cakes for sale over 3 years. Being a sweet tooth person, at the same time a fitness and health addicted one, I always tried to avoid a sugary crap. And one day I made my first ever raw plant-based cake, and I couldn't believe that it's so good and really wholesome!
From that time, I created more than 100 different flavors and sold over 2000 cakes for different customers (and only 50% of them are vegans). I happy to say that my clients are very special because all of them are with special requirements. So, for now, any food allergy I could satisfy with my cakes. Toddles celebrate their 1st Birthday with my cakes, so mothers trust me. And I constantly serve people with different diseases (diabetes, celiac, epilepsy, cancer). It's because the ingredients are so clean that even doctors approved these cakes.
And of course, because of big nutrition value, wholesome components, good digestible impact and unbelievably delicious taste, I want to bring my recipes to each family, to each cafe and restaurant, to everyone who cares what he/she eats.
That's why I created my first ever
online course for very beginners.
So, let's get started and let's impress your loved ones.